Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Agamemnon’s sacrifice

Though many believe that Agamemnon would be considered the “bad guy” in the Iliad I would argue that he is one of the heroes who has made a large sacrifice.  Even if the Iliad is an epic of the kleos of Achilles it does illustrate how the other heroes gained and lost kleos.  The first reason for this is that Agamemnon literally sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia to get to Troy, which is something that I would imagine would be a difficult thing to do.  Then once they are at Troy on multiple occasions he must give up his own kleos for the army, though there are times when he makes choices that reflect poorly on him.  For example there is when Agamemnon tells everyone that they are going back home to test their devotion to the Agamemnon and the war.  It’s because of this, other choices like this, and his decision to take one of Achilles war prizes that most people think negatively of Agamemnon, but logically he was the leader of the Achaean army should he not be the one with the most kleos?  In Greek society it is the actions of someone which earn them kleos.  Even if it was Agamemnon who has brought everyone together this is the way that Greek society is.  This is one of the big differences between Greek society and the society that we have today.  After a world war it is the commanders that get publicly honored by society for what their troops did and not the individual who killed the most and survived, even those who sacrificed their lives are honored publicly.  

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