Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Parallels between Gilgamesh and Achilles

In reflecting on this class, starting with reading the epic of Gilgamesh before starting the Iliad because there are many parallels between these two epics.   The most obvious of these is the relationship between Achilles and Gilgamesh.  They both have a male figure that they are attached to, Achilles had Patroclus and Gilgamesh had Enkidu, and when they lost that person they essentially became “superhuman.” Though what they both do is different they both have the same issue on their mind which is death.  They both know that someday they are going to die (like we all will) but they deal with it differently.  Achilles retreats from battle and in the end doesn't really choose to go back to fighting but does so to get revenge for his friend.  On the other hand Gilgamesh was out and enjoying his life (although there is the difference that Gilgamesh wasn't fighting in a war) but when he loses his friend Enkidu then he decides to travel to try to “conquer” death.  Though each receives their own closure and nether could beat death but they both go on a journey and in the end they learn something about themselves.  

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